Sunday, 10 August 2014

Monday, 9 June 2014

Post Game Interview Tips

Keep this in mind when giving post game interviews. You really want to be able to shine to this level if you want to be a pro.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Preventing Back Pain in Planks

I know we've been doing lots of planks with our annual assessments from last month, and we should all continue to incorporate them as they held to provide a foundation of core strength protecting you from injury and generating power in rotational sports - including firefighting.

So here's a video from an injury specialist outlining some basic things to avoid. Below the video is a text/picture version with some additional info.

Planks are common exercise that people end up using to target their core. It is a real common body weight exercises that people do in the gym or in the bootcamps but often times it is done wrong. And with it being done wrong, it ends up putting unnecessary stress on the back  and can lead to a back injury or back pain.

3 Plank Exercises Mistakes that Can Lead to Back Pain

CLICK HERE to watch the video on YouTube
I want to highlight the 3 mistakes that people make when it comes to a plank that leads to back pain.

Mistake #1 - Teepee Plank

The first mistake is performing the Teepee Plank.
T-P Plank
What happens here is the hips are up in the air and you get over activation and contraction of your hip flexors which changes the position of your low back and puts greater stress on your low back. Plus it puts extra stress on your shoulders.

Mistake #2 - Dropping the Hips

dropping the hips and arching through
the back
The next one is people end up dropping the hips and arching through that back and that arching through the back puts unnecessary stress on the back, specifically the facet joints, which can lead to irritation and potential injury and pain.

Mistake #3 - Muscle Imbalances

people won't activate the right
And then thirdly, I will get Orsy to get into a good plank position. What happens is in the third one is people won't activate the right muscles. This is a common muscle imbalance.
They won't bring in their gluteus maximus and they won't bring in their lats in order to bring in that last layer of muscles when it comes to the plank.
They will get their abdominals in there, they will get their obliques in there but then what you need to do is bring in those lats, bring in those glutes as the last set of muscles that activate around that core and lower back which will help protect it.
If the plank ends up bothering your lower back, look to see if you are making one of those three mistakes doing a Teepee plank or if you are dropping the hips or if you are not activating the right muscles, making sure to bring in your gluts and bring in your lats.
If you are looking for a program to help you out with your back pain and get you back to pain-free workouts, then check out Fix My Back Pain:
Fix My Back Pain
Rick Kaselj, MS

Monday, 2 September 2013

New Equipment Additions

A few new pieces arrived this week.
A huge thanks to Stacey F for the pickup, and Delta & Bravo for sorting and assembling the equipment after long days of training and calls. Everyone appreciates the extra effort that was put in - especially at 89!

Some was storage, so we will assume correct use of the new dumbbell rack at 89 does not require instruction. 

On back order is a medicine ball rack for each hall to further help with the storage crunch. 

88 & 89 will find new incline benches. These replaced old equipment, hopefully the increased stability will be appreciated.  Again let's assume everyone can figure out how to incorporate these into their workouts. Please continue to use the wood box for box jumps rather than the new benches. 

An agility ladder was also added. You'll find it inside a red bag. Storage of this bag varies by station. 87's is in the black cabinet with the leather medicine balls. 
Ryan provided a demo of how this can be used... Fast footwork and agility will help to improve your performance as tactical athletes if you incorporate this into your training. Check the B shift blog for how this will be incorporated towards the end of September. 

A collar with handles to help with the T bar row has also been added. You should be able to add more weight to the bar now without the plate hitting you in the chest. 
It can be used in conjunction with the landmine which should now be used for any exercise requiring a barbell to have one end placed on the ground while lifting the opposite end.  It will make for a smoother safer motion as well as reduce wear and tear on the floor and barbell. 

Landmine: (place barbell in the socket)

T-Bar attachment:

T-Bar Link:
Ladder Link:

Monday, 17 June 2013

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Ultimate Sandbags

Several new options for sandbags have been provided. The company calls the product the "Ultimate Sandbag" and we have purchased several options for varied size/weight. More information from the company website can be found here.

Each station has a total of 4 new bags.
  • 2 "Strength" bags
    • can be loaded with 20-80llbs
  • 2 "Burly" bags
    • can be loaded with 80-160llbs
  • 5 filler bags
    • each filler bag can hold up to 40llbs.
    • currently, each station has 3 bags filled to 20llbs and 2 bags filled to 40llbs
    • additional weight can be used from the old duffle bags which contain homemade weights ranging from 5-10llbs each
Use common sense with loading the bags, try new exercises with lighter weights until you are comfortable with your technique. The different sized bags allow for use with heavy loads, but also allow for a moderate load that is more dynamic as it shifts in the larger shell. Keep this in mind when you are selecting a bag for your workout, as it can add to the dynamics of your training, but if you aren't prepared can also be a safety hazard.

Below is one of the introductory videos for the USB that was provided by DVD with the kit. The rest of the clips will be up ASAP.

Ultimate Sandbag Training Packages

Detailed description of the bags and how to assemble

Core Roller

This one isn't so exciting, but it's plenty difficult.


Introduction to new Equipment

In an effort to keep everyone informed about the new equipment that has arrived, information will be posted on the main blog page for staff to review. A post on the battle ropes and prowler sled has already been posted (see below).

Please take the time to go over the articles or review videos when they are provided, as this will help ensure everyone is following the same safety guidelines while getting the most efficient methods of use out of the new equipment.

Thanks for checking back regularly, hopefully this will help in decreasing the amount of extra emails in your inbox, and will also allow for quick reference while in the gym away from the corporate PC.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

New Equipment...Battle Ropes & Prowlers

You'll notice some new equipment coming into the halls over the next few days and weeks. As it comes onto the floor, we will be trying to post some familiarization material on the blog for your review.

Remember, nothing replaces formal in person training with your PFT on both new and old equipment. Please discuss the proper use and techniques surrounding all equipment, including our new additions.

We plan to roll out most of the equipment as it comes in, and will need some assistance in assembly of the new and relocation of the old. With that in mind, please continue to be considerate of safety concerns with all equipment we use, and how it should best be used in our stations. If in doubt, consult with your PFT or any member of the Fitness Committee.

One of the newest pieces to be available are the Battle Ropes. The best location for them at all three halls may be outside on the tarmac with the rope wrapped around the yellow posts between the bays. A suitable location may be found inside, but until we put them into practice this may require some trial and error.

Here is a clip that helps to highlight some of the Battle Rope uses:

Along with the Battle Ropes we also received Prowler Sleds. These sleds are made for pushing a weighted load. Again, be careful introducing a new piece of equipment into your routine without the proper instruction. If you see this added to the blog suggestions, remember there are always alternatives if you are uncertain of proper technique. Your Fitness Committee is always here for feedback as well.

Here is a clip to help with an introduction to the Prowler.

Friday, 30 November 2012

It's that time of year!

Hey everyone, it's that time of year to start thinking and planning for 2013. 
What is it you want to achieve in 2013?
What are you happy with from 2012?  Did you do what you set out to?
Any goals or targets you might not have met?

It's a good time to start looking at the calendar and consider what events or activities you want to participate in.... especially with vacation picks going on!

A short list o events for you to consider:
IAFF Hockey Tourney- end of March??

Spartan Race- 5k obstacle course (Aug 17 in Calgary)
Airdrie Mayor's Run- 5/10k (first weekend of June)
Edmonton Fire Off Road Triathlon (Early to Mid June)
Xterra Off Road Triathlon
24 Hours Of Adrenaline (Mountain Bike Race, good for corporate and competitive teams!)

Tons of Runs and triathlons

Powerlifting (Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift) meets (typically Jan, July and Oct dates)
Olympic Weightlifting (Clean and Jerk, Snatch) meets (Jan, Mar, May, Aug, Sept.... bunch of dates)

FF Combat Challenge (Nice blend of job related activities and strength/anaerobic conditioning)
Events in Alberta:
June 8-9 (Ft. McMurray)
June 15-16 (Brooks)
Aug24-25 (Edson)
Sept 4-8 (Edmonton- Canadian Nationals)

If you know of any other events worth noting let me know- like charitable sports events, as I will start compiling a list on the blog for ppl to check out.

The more heads up we all have and the more awareness of events the better chance we have of ppl coming out- me included!

Take a look through the links and see what each has to offer, therre are many different types of sports/events out there to get active, not just running!

If you need any help getting ready for any event or goal let one of our friendly neighborhood Fitness Committee folks know, hopefully we can help you on your way!

Thursday, 18 October 2012


Through DC Rabel an invitation was issued to the department to participate in a fundraiser for a local family who is dealing with a recent cancer diagnosis. Thanks to Brad, Local 4778 entered a team who participated in the Spinathon (see the link below for more info) while wearing bunker gear.

DC Rabel received this note of thanks from one of the organizers after the event and included the pictures listed below.

"Hi have  a great  team of folks there...they all did their hour in full gear!!Amazing work from everyone involved!"
 They raised $250 to participate - thanks to Brad, Rina, Cale, Todd, and Ryan for riding!

Rina has provided even more pics!

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Shoulder Press

Came accross this post on 70's Big dot com, sweet site with great content!

(For full content of the post check out the link, great info on pressing and some faults/fixes in the internal/external rotation.)

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Spartan Race

Don't miss the last post from Mike, it had some good info on VO2 - but pics of Spartans is equally important.