Friday, 27 April 2012


I've heard about this before but hdn't really dug into it very much.... yet.
The NSCA (National Strength and Conditioning Association- big deal) has a branch called TSAC (Tactical Strength and Conditioning).  This pertains mainly to military research but includes firefighters.

Turns out they refer to Firefighters as "Tactical Operators" alongside our Law/Military brothers and sisters.  So, what do they define a Tactical Operator as?:

Tactical Operator is defined as military, law
enforcement, fire/rescue, first responders, and EMS
operators sworn to protect their country and/or
community in high-risk situations which demand
dynamic levels of strength, speed, power, stamina
and agility. The Tactical Operator is both aerobically
fit (performing longer, harder, and recovering
faster) and anaerobically fit (executing intense and
explosive skills within a short period of time).

Interesting, hey?

What drew me to CrossFit way back when was this type of idea.  If you suck at any one of these aspects of fitness then it needs to be attacked head on.  Our bodies are only as fit as its weakest link.... where's yours?

CrossFit, Muscle and Fitness, Livestrong, OPT.... whatever you do/follow to get in shape be sure that it makes you a rounded Tactical Operator.... in other words Professional Athlete.  

For more info on NSCA and TSAC check it out here:

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

A little Core Test from our brothers and sisters down in Portland

Can you do the following?
Good way to check your progress with your core work...

High Hips – This is
a ‘safe’ position that
is less stressful to
both the abdominal
muscles and the
lower back. Perform
exercise in this
position if you are a
novice or have low
back problems.
Flat Hips – This is
more difficult and
appropriate for
advanced individuals. The hips are held low so that a straight line could be drawn between the ankles,
hips and shoulders.

Step 1 
Hold the basic plank position (shown above) for 60
Step 2 
Lift your right hand off the ground and hold this position
for 15 seconds.
Step 3 
Return your right hand to the ground and lift your left
hand off the ground, hold for 15 seconds.
Step 4 
Return your left hand to the ground and lift your right leg
off the ground and hold for 15 seconds.
Step 5 
Return your right leg to the ground and lift your left leg
off the ground, hold for 15 seconds.
Step 6 
Lift your left leg and right hand off the ground and hold
for 15 seconds.
Step 7
Return your left leg and right hand to the ground; and lift
your right leg and left hand off the ground and hold for 15
Step 8
Return to the basic plank position and hold for 30

Friday, 20 April 2012

Low-Carb Dieter Beware: Soy-Based ‘Body By Vi’ Visalus Protein Shake Mixes Not A Panacea

This is a post put up by Livin La vida Low Carb.  No matter what the process you are going through to achieve your fitness goals it is ALWAYS a good idea to know what you are getting into- the good and the bad.  There are a lot of different approaches out there and when considering our line of work we need to be smart about how we aproach our fitness, and the best place to start is with a solid nutritional approach.

Grab your snack/coffee/tea and give this a read:

While you are at it check out the links in the article:
The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of America’s Favorite Health Food

Low Carb + Low Fat: this is a recipe for disaster if you are trying to lose weight and get healthy

Just throwin' it out there... after all, it's up to you to decide what you throw down the hatch.  You might as well be informed!

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

On BP meds or planning on it?

As PFT's we aren't allowed to prescribe meds or tell you to stop taking them, that is what your doctor is for. But, what we can do is raise your awareness around what the food and drug scene is up to....

Familiar with Statins? They are the miracle BP meds your doc is slingin'.... miracle you say?

Here is video #1, if you don't think you have time to listen to the whole 10 mins then fast forward to the 6 min mark and listen from there- be sure to at least listen up to the 8 min mark. After that you decide if you want to go back to the beginning and hear the whole shpeal.

Interesting? Check out part 2 here: